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Sunday, 29 March 2015

Pointless thoughts on life

Hello !

Just a little thought about something's in life.....

• where do bald people stop washing there faces
• Jupiter is freaky..... A volume of over 1000 times the earth? Big ball of floating gas? Freaky
• what's the name of your favourite song at the moment? I don't have one
• where did dogs originally come from
• what's the biggest thing known to man kind?
• smallest?
• how are you affecting life right now?
• would you be sad if you were told it was the end of the world tomorrow?

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Glowy Natural Skin Tutorial

Hello there!

Life is getting a little crazy and to be honest so is my skin. It's looking dry and unhealthy and just a little bit spotty. Most girls would say "grab your foundation tubes and concealer we have a spot to conquer!"
But this is not a good idea. Your skin can still look glowy and healthy without all the tone of crap we tend to put on our face.

Step 1:
Eat and drink healthily. I know everyone says this and you go "yeah yeah like that's ever gonna happen, I love cake!" This may be the case but there are really easy simple steps that you can follow to put more healthy stuff into our bodies. Take a large water bottle with you to (insert wherever you happen to be going) and aim to drink the whole thing by the end of the day and, voila more liquid in your system! It goes the same with eating healthily. This doesn't mean you have to eat salad and fruit for the rest of your life. It just means be more careful when choosing snacks. Another great way of cutting down on fatty foods is not bringing money to (insert place where you may stay all day and have to buy lunch e.g school) and take a healthy packed lunch which can really help prevent unhealthy eating.

Clean and Clear Morning Energy Skin Energising Facial Scrub £3.99
*I don't have bad fake tan the lighting is just a bit off         
Step 2:
Wash your face. I have never or will never be one of those people who uses 8 billion products on there skin every morning. Right now I see no need for toners, cleansers, scrubs, eye creams, oils, serums and lotions to be used all on my face in one morning. I use the  (that's a name and a half) and it does a really good job of brightening and refreshing my skin. Having bright skin immediately makes it look healthy and this wash really does give a healthy glowy natural look to the skin.

Gorgeous Moisturiser 45g £42.50 (this is the tester size)
Step 3:
Moisturise. I use  the Gorgeous moisturiser from LUSH. This is bloomin expensive but I got this little sample size in a gift box and I am extremely sad that I will probably never be rich enough to buy it again. This moisturiser immediately brightens the skin and is a real miracle worker. I use this as primer and foundation effectively. It makes my skin look so good I've completely lost the use for foundation which in order makes my skin look amazing because I'm not shoving a hole load of chemicals onto my face. This moisturiser has pineapple, lemon and orange juice to add radiance and primrose oil to sooth and moisturise. This stuff is amazing. However if like me this is ridiculously out of your price range then the trusty E45 moisturising cream is great if a little oilier.

Real Techniques Duo Fiber Set £23.99                                            L'Oreal True Match Concealer £6.45

Step 4:
Concealer. I only apply concealer under my eyes now. This really helps to brighten my complection and appear less tired then I actually am. I used to never apply concealer anywhere on my face especially under my eyes because my face just doesn't seem to like it but then I met a little gem called the Loreal True Match Concealer. It is bloomin amazing. I use the lightest shade under my eyes which is Vanilla. It is probably half a shade lighter then my natural face colour and I love it. I apply this under the eyes with a Real Techniques Duo Fiber Contour Brush which applies it amazingly natural. I would definitely recommend both these products.
Natural Collection Blush Peach Melba £1.99

Step 5:
A little blush. Using a light blush can really illuminate the skin and give it a little more colour. Obviously if you have rosy cheeks already there is no need for blush. But if like me your a bit colourless in the face department then a light dusting of peachy, rosy toned blush can really help give your face a lift. I use the Natural Collection blush in Peach Melba and it is gorgeous. A light dusting of this immediately finishes the look. Cream blushes are also great but I find it hard to get the right amount of product on my skin and it can end up looking to much. Less is more in the blush scenario.

With this look I always go for a light gold toned eyeshadow and a lip balm with a green undertone. A light coating of brown mascara and a light coating of powder under my eyes.


Saturday, 7 March 2015

How to get more followers on Blogger

You know lots of people look up how do I get more followers? Well this is the 3 rules that everyone says you should follow
Rule #1: Stay on topic. Pick a topic that you love, and stick to it. If you wander off that topic, people will stop following.
Rule #2: Optimize your blog. Learn how to use keywords to get more traffic from search engines.
Rule #3: Keep your posts short. There are very few people that will read anything longer than a few paragraphs.
And… I officially declare those three rules to be 100% horse manure, not to mention BORING.
I present to you Humphrey's new revitalized list.
Rule #1. Write about whatever the heck you want to write about. You can keep some general topics, but if you haven’t noticed, SDL is all over the place and most survive the experience intact.
Rule #2. What is optimization? Why worry about search? Somebody clicking in because a friend told them to come visit is 10,000 times more powerful than somebody clicking in from a search engine. Focus on what will make that happen, instead.
Rule #3. Keep it short? Are you serious? Yes, most of the time, but use however many words you need to use if you’re putting an important message out there. The bullying post was somewhere in the area of 4,000 words. That’s around 19 pages double-spaced, and in its first three days it had more than a quarter million views. Had I tried to sum it up in 500 words it would have died out the gates because the message would have been left behind.
Rule #4. In addition to the message, pictures of really cute pugs seem to work well, too. 

Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Butter


Just before we start I am so not about to scream at my laptop for being slow and old and not working with my camera. Nope I am totally calm and really not frustrated and I am so not about to cry.

This body butter is my new obsession. I think it is probably the best thing I have used on my body.

First lets talk about the amazing smell. I normally apply this at about 7.30 in the morning and I can still smell it on my skin after 5.00 that night. It is amazing. This is my current favourite fragrance. It smells of limes and something sweet. It's not a specific smell but to me it kind of like the smell of sweet yogurt or cream cheese minus the cheese. I don't know but whatever it is it smells incredible.

The product itself is super moisturising and feels really nice on the skin. I am definitely (totally haven't spent 5 minutes figuring out how to spell that word) going to repurchase this about a gizzilion times.

The only down side is that it cost £10.50 which isn't exactly budget friendly. Hey mum you know how you have some money..... :)


Oh Hallelujah my camera has started working after half an hour of near serious break down. Enjoy the pictures. Personally I think you should follow my blog just for the amount of frustration and perseverance that went into this post. There was actual tears. ACTUAL TEARS!!

Sunday, 1 March 2015

What's in my Shower?


Today is something a little different from my usual as I'm going to be going through whats been living in my shower for the past few weeks.

This is one of those body washes that is just good. It does what it supposed to and makes my skin super soft. Recently I have been suffering from dry skin and this has cleared that up amazingly well. It has a lovely clean soapy scent that I personally love. It isn't super amazingly special but I like it.

This next body wash is a Christmas present that I got on Thursday (late prezzies are the best don't ya think?). It's a mini size of the Soap and Glory Sugar Crush shower wash. I was a bit skeptical of this as every time I've smelt it in Boots it didn't really appeal to me but now I've used it a few times I can see why people like the smell. It definitely is not a sugary scent it reminds me of lime and cream. The wash itself is super smooth and feels quite foamy. Definitely going to repurchase this one.

Garnier Pure Active Anti-Blackhead Deep Pore Wash - £2.65

This is probably the worst thing I have ever put on my face... ever. It claims to unclog pores whilst keeping skin silky smooth and hydrates. It's awful. I have serious blackhead problems and I was hoping this would just clear it all up. Oh no. There still there. Ok they've gotten a bit better but my skin is so dry. Literally the skin round my nose is flaking. It's gross and quite frankly I hate this. Waste of money. 

Pantene Pro Light Repair and Protect Shampoo - £2.09

This Shampoo is a new one I've been trying and I quite like it. It smells of fruit mainly watermelon and is very nice. I quite like the feel of this in my hair and it does keep it healthy and is helping the dryness of my hair at the moment. As I am growing my hair at the moment I have really dry split ends and it isn't in great shape. This is helping my hair look slightly better.

Herbal Essence Hello Hydration Moisture and Shine Conditioner - £3.99

I did a review of this way back in April or something and I still love it just as much. It keeps my hair soft and shiny. Adds control and keeps my hair clean for days. It smells gorgeous helps take out knots and is just generally a really good conditioner. I also love the shampoo but I just ran out of that. 

Humphrey xxxx