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Thursday, 13 August 2015

Summer Favourites 2015


Yes I am back. I know I've been bad and yes I am sorry. But life has just taken an unexpected and busy turn. I was in a production of High School musical, I suddenly realised I was good at drawing and acting has suddenly become a thing too so really I sort of kind off have an excuse for slumping of my blog.... Ish. So this blog was supposed to be all the things I've been loving this summer however I'm on a different computer today and it doesn't like my camera so I only managed to get a few of the photos up however I have links to all the other products I unfortunately couldn't show you linked down at the bottom of this post. (Whoever made this laptop beware I might sue!)

Ted Baker LipGloss (not sold separately)

Body Shop Born Lippy Lipstick Balm Pink Berry
Sanctuary Spa Velvety Hand Cream
No7 Stay Perfect Lipstick 5 Classic Rose - Top Notch Lipstick
Maybelline Brow Mascara Transparent
Barry M Gelly Nail Polish Sugar Apple
Collection 2 in 1 Base Coat and Ridge Filler (Unavailable for purchase)
Simple Kind to Eyes Eye Makeup Remover - Amazing Makeup Remover

Sunday, 31 May 2015

A series of lovely events

When nice things happen to you or are said to you you feel great! Right? I know I do. This week I had a lovely friend give me a little note that said

See me I'm - Fabulous, Awesome, Top Notch , Funny , Great Banter.

 Then later that next day an old lady came up to me in the street and told me I had lovely hair. These things made me feel so good about myself and I'm really grateful for the comments. So after you read this either comment on mine or another blog an adjective you would describe either me or the other persons blog as I want you all to brighten up there world like that friend and that old lady did mine. Then spread the word across all blogs and maybe we can get a chain of lovely adjectives soaring around the internet!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Monthly Makeup #1

My makeup has been pretty basic over the past few months although I love the way it looks. I find myself going for simple bronzed skin and a light shimmery eye. Something I have discovered this month is eye primer. I was always skeptical about primers but when someone asked me if I had been punched when it was just my vieny eyelids I thought I would give it a go. Now I can't leave the house without it. My one is from Studio London and is really cheap but it's great! Lots of these products are discontinued or from sets and I'm sorry but there is alternatives in every makeup brand on the planet so don't worry!


No7 Kabuki Brush (discontinued)
No7 shimmer brick (discontinued)
Real Techniques Duo-Fiber Face Brush and Eye Brush 
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
Fat Face lip balm Wilberry (comes out on occasions)
Maybelline Brow Drama Transparent
Studio London eye primer from Christmas gift set
MAXfactor Masterpiece high definition mascara black/brown 

Pitch Perfect 2 Review

The time has come to review Pitch Perfect 2.
I loved the first movie it was really funny and I watch it all da time, but did this movie live up to it's high expectations? Let me give you the run down.
The first movie was hilarious and so was this one, except it didn't have quite so many "LOL" moments. I was expecting some serious laughing in the cinema and although the movie had its moments it wasn't the funniest thing I've watched all year.
The plot was great! I loved the story line and it was really well written. It was definitely more mature then the first one as the characters had grown up a little and I think it had the potential to be the greatest movie of the year. But again I was still disappointed as I thought that some necessary scenes just weren't there. The music however was bloomin' marvelous! All the songs were great and Flula was just amazing.... So proud of the internet gang right now! I also have a serious girl crush on Anna Kendrick so I can't completely diss the movie because it was good just because she was in it! You should definitely go and give it a watch!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Broken Makeup!

Who hasn't broken a beauty product? We've all been in that situation when you find pools of melted lipstick in the bottom of your bag or you find your bronzer sprinkled all over your jeans. I once even accidentally threw an eyeshadow down the stairs! I'm not usually a clumsy person. I generally take care of my stuff but for some reason with makeup I just can't seem to keep them together!!! I'm thinking of starting a new mineral makeup brand of all the things I've broken!
Above you will find:
Natural Collection Blush in Peach Melba, Real Techniques Duo Fiber Face-Brush, HD Brows Powder Base in Foundation 5, Rimmel Stay Matte, Mua Heaven and Earth Palette

Too delete or not to delete that is the question!


So, I've been looking at my blog lately and I'm just not loving the layout, or the way things are running. For one all the pictures in my posts before December have dissapeared. I can't get them back which means my blog just looks plain weird. So I'm going through a dilemma. Do I delete the posts? Because my side bar has a most popular posts thing and all I see is triangles with exclamation marks in them I don't think my blog is being seen quite the same way. I feel like if I delete them all the content I worked on for almost a year would be wasted but at the same time I feel like my blog needs a fresh start anyways.

So whilst I figure this out I am going to play around with the layout of my blog and try some different things. So don't be alarmed if you come along and see everything is different.

Humphrey xxxx

Sunday, 17 May 2015

NYC Big Bold Bronzer


We have all heard of the NYC sunny bronzer because humans have evolved from the stage of living under rocks. However have we all heard of the NYC Big Bold Bronzer? No.
This is a powder bronzer and is in my personal opinion better than sunny. What? Why? Well for starters this bronzer is about twice the size of sunny in width and depth. It also has a habit of not breaking. I literally break every single powder formula thing I have because apparently they can't cope with being in a makeup back but this bronzer has stayed strong.
The colour is very natural even though it has shimmer running through it (which you can't see anyways) but I would say it is definitely for the more yellow toned skin types as it has a slightly more orangey pink tone which looks a bit to much on pinker skin.This applies as a powder to cream and looks sheeny but not oily on the skin. However I would say that if your applying this with a denser brush then you may need to blend a bit more as the colour can clump were you originally apply it which is why I use a duo-fiber brush. 

Humphrey xxxxx

Sunday, 10 May 2015

How to get Taylor Swifts Perfect Skin


Recently my skin has been great! Its glowing and flawless and photo ready. So I've been wondering what it is about my routine that has changed. Well I've come to a conclusion and I'm gonna share it with you.
I have to say this may come as a bit of a shock because this is not what you would suspect.

I do absolutely nothing with my skin.
Yeah that's right. No face wash, no moisturiser, no serum, scrub or toner. I barely even use makeup remover unless I'm wearing something really heavy which is only when I'm creating looks because I don't wear much makeup anyways.

I am still a little confused as to why this is helping my skin. But my theory is that even though I'm a teenager my skin isn't that bad, and when I was 5 I had perfect skin and like most younguns I didn't use anything on my face so nature must have been doing something right. So then why shouldn't it do the same now?

I'm not saying that this will work for everyone. But it does for me and ever since I stopped with the foundation and the heavy face creams my skin has been so much better.

Before I go I just want to say that if you're not comfortable with not wearing foundation then please go ahead and ignore me because I know it was hard for me to ditch my face and I also know there are people who are very insecure about there face even though they shouldn't be. But it is worth it and going au natural is just the easiest least expensive way of looking after your skin.

Humphrey xxx

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Delicious Food fit for Photography


Now if you read my previous extremely short post you will know that I have found my camera cable.Where was it you ask. Plugged into the computer....... yeah.....oops
If you didn't already know I bought a canon eos 1200d just after Christmas (link to it here) and obviously I've been using it. However I haven't ever shown you some of my "works of art". I have really been enjoying photography and I think I will be doing a lot more of these photography posts because I love sharing my forms of art with the world.

Just a quick disclaimer saying that this is all my own work and I am not bragging. I'm not a professional photographer either so these aren't going to world class. Just warning you. Also if you want any recipes for these food stuffs then just let me know in the comments below!

humphrey xxxxx

If I was a camera cable where would I be?


Having a nightmare, ive lost my camera cable to plug into the computer, any ideas? I'm panicking

Friday, 17 April 2015

This or That TAG


I'm loving this blog everyday thing. I can't keep it u-p. NO WAY! But I'll definitely do it every holiday! Tell me in the comments if you've enjoyed the more frequent posts.

blush or bronzer - Blush
lip gloss or lipstick - Lipstickeye liner or mascara - Mascarafoundation or concealer - Concealerneutral or color eye shadow - Neutral for everyday but colour for makeup lookspressed or loose eye shadows - pressedbrushes or sponges- brushesNAILS:OPI or china glaze - China GlazeLong or short - ShortAcrylic or natural - NaturalBrights or darks - BrightsFlower or no flower - No flower I can't be bothered with that life!BODY:perfume or body splash - Body Splashlotion or body butter - Lotionbody wash or soap - Body Wash all the waylush or other bath company - other bath companyFASHION:jeans or sweat pants - Sweat pants are like comfy joggers right? Sweat pants.long sleeve of short - I like three quarter but short if I had to pick.dresses or skirts - Dresses although I don't wear them enough.
stripes or plaid - stripesflip flops or sandals - Sandals, flip flops hurt my feet.scarves or hats - Hats, I wouldn't be able to live without bobble hats.studs or dangly earrings - Studsnecklaces or bracelets - Necklaces they're less annoying.heels or flats - Flatscowboy boots or riding boots - Cowboyjacket or hoodie - Hoodieforever 21 or charlotte russe - Charlotte Russeabercombie or Hollister - Abercrombie is comfier. saks 5th or nordstrom - Never tried either.HAIR:curly or straight - Curlybun or ponytail - Pony tail I look horrific in a bunbobby pins or butterfly clips - Butterfly clipshair spray or gel - Hairspraylong or short - longlight or dark - lightside sweep bangs or full bangs - full bangsup or down - downRANDOM:Rain or shine - RainSummer or winter - WinterFall or spring - SpringChocolate or vanilla - VanillaEast coast or west coast - From the East so I have to say East.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

7 deadly sins of beauty TAG


Seven deadly sins of beauty TAG..... oohhhh

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive beauty product is a £1 nail polish from MUA and a £2 melted lipstick from MUA if you want makeup. But my most expensive is a second hand (it wasn't used first) Estee Lauder lipstick in Lush Rose which retail at about the £20 mark.

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? 

Bronzer and Blush. Sometimes they just make me look cakey or orange. Smetimes they don't want to come out onto the brush. Other times there so pigmented I just want to cry. Most of the time they crack in the pan. But they do complete a makeup look and without them my face would look flat.

3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?

Delicious? Well my Estee Lauder lipstick tastes good and my MUA melted lipstick. But I also love the taste of the Maybelline Cherry Me baby lips and the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks.

4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?

I totally neglect my brows. I never fill them in because A. it takes waaay to long making them look natural and B. I have invisi- brows any way so all the colours of the brow spectrum just look weird on me.

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
Eyeshadow and mascara always make me feel really glamorous and confident. When I'm wearing lots of black and brown eyeshadow I just feel powerful.

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in a guy?

What? Why is this even in this TAG? This has nothing to do with anything.

7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?

I would love to get things like Bruise wheels and latex and contact lenses so I can make myself look even weirder than normal. Mum...... :)

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Would you Rather? I Beauty Edition


I'm on my 3rd TAG and I hope your enjoying them. This one is actually my favourite to watch and read. Just me?

1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows? 
Personally I only own 3 eyeshadow palettes but I literally swear by them. As I',m really into makeup and prostetics right now I am constantly using my palettes to create awesome looks. However I suppose they would be really easy to stalk up on as they are all pretty cheapy ones. I suppose all the colours are running low anyways. So I would probably loose all my palettes

2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
Oh my this is a tricky one. OK lets look at the options here. So I cut off all my hair and I go bald and have to live through the long process of growing it back and the awkward bowl cut length. Or I never cut it again and end up with it flowing a mile and half away from me when I reach the age of 99. I'd rather cut it all off.

3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?
Coral all the way. I think they really suit my skin tone!

4.) If you had $1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?
I would definitely spend it on makeup. I would probably just go into Boots and MAC and Sephora buy everything in there and use it all on clients and shoots and create really cool looks.

5.) Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?
If we're talking black eyeliner and red lipstick then I would probably say lipstick as eyeliner. I could probably pull of a really thick wing and just rock it. But if we are talking any colour of eyeliner I would just buy red and pink and nude ones and wear them as lip liner all over my lips.

6.) Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?
Well I've been in both MAC and Sephora shops and I hate them both. Sephora is so big and full with things that I never know where to start and MAC shops normally hurt my eyes with the amount of crazy displays and there lip liner racks make my head hurt. But I would have to say Sephora because there are more brands in there that I can choose from even if it does take me a year and half to get through the whole shop.

7.) Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life?
One lip colour definitely. I don't really do lips anyways, If I had to choose one colour it would be a corally pink lipgloss just because I love that colour.

8.) Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter?
Agh! I would say summer clothes in winter because I still wear jeans and jumpers in summer. I'm just that kinda gurl.

9.) Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?
Brights definitely. I just think they look so much better on my skin tone because I'm naturally tanned darks always make me look like I'm wearing bad fake tan for some odd reason.

10.) Would you rather give up your favorite lip product or your favorite eye product?
Favourite eye product (it's a brown eyeliner from Rimmel) because my favourite lip product is the lip balm from FatFace that isn't available any more. 

11.) Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail or a messy bun?
Pony tail! You should see me in a bun. Actually you shouldn't it's not a pretty sight.

12.) Would your rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lipgloss?
Never use lipgloss. I know I just said I would keep lipgloss over eyeshadow but I kind of hate the way nails look. They're just weird and creepy. 

13.) Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all or sharpie them in everyday?
I practically have no eyebrows any ways so it wouldn't make much different and I could always draw them on.

14.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?
I would rather live without nail polish. Damn I'm making no sense I just said I hate not wearing nail polish cos nails are weird but you can always have nail wraps and shellac. I don't think that's proper nail polish is it? And I love putting makeup on my face and dressing up so I would be rather bored without it.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015



Another TAG. I love this TAG alot and all the answers to the questions have changed since the last time I did it. - check that out here

1: What are you wearing?
A new T-shirt from new look with flowers on it and my Gymnastics shorts (they are great for tanning because they are so short.

2: Ever been in love?
Bffft..... NO!

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Hun, I haven't even had a boyfriend yet

4: How tall are you?
5,4 and a half

5: How much do you weigh?
I'm not sure but I'm healthy that's all that matters.

6: Any tattoos?
Nope. I don't really want one because when I grow old it'll be all wrinkly and, just imagine an old lady with a tattoo. Disturbing,

7: Any piercings?
My ears and I barely ever wear earings anyways so it doesn't count!

8: OTP?
Beauty and the Beast

9: Favorite show?
I like any sort of detective story. New Tricks is a good classic along wit h Jonathan Creek.

10: Favorite bands?
I'm not really an obsessive fan girl of any bands I'm more into solo artists.

11: Something you miss? .
Being friends with guys. I unfortunately have lost quite a few good friends to the whole "boys can't hang out with girls" thing that's going on.

12: Favorite song?
Almost there from the Princess and the Frog.

13: How old are you?

14: Zodiac sign?
Capricorn I'm a December baby.

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
Genuinely a nice guy and he has to eat normally.

16: Favorite Quote?
Some people are worth melting for - Olaf

17: Favorite actor?
I like Helen a Bohnem Carter or Mike Myers for voice over.

18: Favorite colour?
Really bright Orange,

19: Loud music or soft?
Both I don't really care as long as its not out of tune.

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
I always love the stairs but if that's not available then the bathroom because it has a lock and I can shower of everything.
21: How long does it take you to shower?
Anything from 2 minutes to 40.

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I would say on average about 40 minutes including showering if I really have to be somewhere. But sometimes I'll laze around and wash my face. Then laze around a bit more and get changed. And then eat something and then put my makeup on. It really does vary.

23: Ever been in a physical fight?
No but if I was I would win for sure.

24: Turn on?

25: Turn off?
Guys who talk about girls all the time.

26: The reason I joined the Blogging Communtiy?
I love writing and beauty. Enough said.

27: Fears?
Waterfalls, Jupiter, Parties, Someone dying who you haven't made up with yet after a long time of fighting.

28: Last thing that made you cry?
A daydream I had. I daydream really vividly and most of the time there really sad daydreams. In this one my parents disowned me. Yeah it was pretty tough going.

29: Last time you said you loved someone?
Last night when I went to bed I said it to my mum.

30: Meaning behind your Blog Name?
I was always called Humphrey when I was a kid because I wouldn't respond to anything else and this blog is my own little world so the name fits.

31: Last book you read?
I recently finished the Death Cure from the Maze Runner series and it was really good.
32: The book you’re currently reading?
I'm now onto Arsenic for Tea.

33: Last show you watched?
The Next Step....... Yeah its a kids show but it's actually not bad!

34: Last person you talked to?
My sister. I just moaned at her to stop reading this blog!

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My Dad. Thats pretty self explanatory
36: Favorite food?
Fish Pie..... mmmmm

37: Place you want to visit?
I want to go to Tanzania and do some volunteering there.

38: Last place you were?
I went into town today to buy some things for my sisters Birthday.

39: Do you have a crush?
Nah every boy I know is an idiot.

40: Last time you kissed someone?
Two nights ago I kissed my mum when I went to bed.

41: Last time you were insulted?
I got some insults thrown at me by one of my friends the other day but it was jokingly.

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
43: What instruments do you play??
I can play violin and a bit of piano and I sing.

44: Favorite piece of jewlery?
I have a ring that looks like a zip that I really like but it doesn't fit. :(

45: Last sport you played?
I've been bouncing on the trampoline all day but I also played football with my lil brother the other day.

46: Last song you sang?
Everybody Dance by Chic

47: Favorite chat up line?
Hey.....Do you like Shrooms?

48: Have you ever used it?
Yeah all the time.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
I went to the park on a picnic a few days ago.

50: Who should answer these questions next?
BeautySoup and DayDreamBeliever


Monday, 13 April 2015

How much is my face worth? TAG


Today I have a TAG for you guys as I'm not really in the review mood and I want to do something fun for this Spring period as its been so nice outside and I'm just in a good mood. This week I'm going to be posting a TAG everyday (hopefully) as I feel like I've sort of given up on my blog a bit and I love doing TAGs so hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things!

The how much is my face worth TAG basically is a makeup tutorial of my everyday makeup and then I add up all the prices at the end and see how much money I put on my face on a daily basis.

Before we start I just want to say that I don't wear any high end makeup (cos I'm broke) so this won't be the craziest amount of money. I predict around the £30 mark... I hope.

For moisturiser I use the E45 moisturiser which gives me a really fresh glow all over my face.
This costs £4.49 from Boots

Then I apply the Loreal True Match Concealer in Vanilla and the Loreal True Match Concealer in Natural Beige. I apply these under the eyes and on my nose just to conceal any dark circles and my hideous black heads.
These cost £6.99 each from Boots. Which is £13.98 in total.

I normally move onto eyes then and this varies from day to day but I would say I use the Makeup Academy heaven and earth palette more than anything else on my eyes. I normally apply a matte neutral brown and a sparkly cream onto my eyelids just to add a bit of something.
This costs £4 from Superdrug.

For eyeliner I use the Collection Extreme 24 hour felt tip liner in black. I just apply a thin strip across my upper lash line.
This costs £2.99 from Boots.

For Mascara I use the Maxfactor Masterpiece mascara in black brown and I apply one - two coats of this focusing mainly on my outer lashes.
This costs £9.99 from Boots

Its not gonna be under £30 is it?

For blush I use the Natural Collection Blush in Peach Melba really lightly.
This costs £1.99 from Boots

Rimmel Stay Matte powder is obviously the next on the list.
This costs £3.99 from Boots 

Finally I use some lip-balm on my lips just to keep them soft all day. I've recently been loving the Maybelline Baby Lips for a tint of colour.
These cost £2.99 from Boots

And the total cost is (without brushes or foundation)


WOW... Thats alot of money to me. I mean some peoples totals are £200 odd but I can't even deal with this.

Plus foundation and brushes?

Rimmel Wake me up foundation - £8.99 Boots
Real Techniques Duo Fiber Brush Set - £23.99 Boots 


£77.40 ........................

Well we all found out something today. Even if you buy really cheap drugstore products you end up with alot of money on your face.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

What's going on

Hello !!

I kinda wunna explain what's going on.

My posts have been crappy recently
I am not as into blogging as I was before I lost it for some time
I'm trying to get back into it but for now I can't guarantee a post every week anymore. I am approaching the year mark for my blog so I'm obviously just on a slump which is understandable. But I am really trying to get my blogging mojo back

I promise I'll get back to normal xxxxx

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Pointless thoughts on life

Hello !

Just a little thought about something's in life.....

• where do bald people stop washing there faces
• Jupiter is freaky..... A volume of over 1000 times the earth? Big ball of floating gas? Freaky
• what's the name of your favourite song at the moment? I don't have one
• where did dogs originally come from
• what's the biggest thing known to man kind?
• smallest?
• how are you affecting life right now?
• would you be sad if you were told it was the end of the world tomorrow?

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Glowy Natural Skin Tutorial

Hello there!

Life is getting a little crazy and to be honest so is my skin. It's looking dry and unhealthy and just a little bit spotty. Most girls would say "grab your foundation tubes and concealer we have a spot to conquer!"
But this is not a good idea. Your skin can still look glowy and healthy without all the tone of crap we tend to put on our face.

Step 1:
Eat and drink healthily. I know everyone says this and you go "yeah yeah like that's ever gonna happen, I love cake!" This may be the case but there are really easy simple steps that you can follow to put more healthy stuff into our bodies. Take a large water bottle with you to (insert wherever you happen to be going) and aim to drink the whole thing by the end of the day and, voila more liquid in your system! It goes the same with eating healthily. This doesn't mean you have to eat salad and fruit for the rest of your life. It just means be more careful when choosing snacks. Another great way of cutting down on fatty foods is not bringing money to (insert place where you may stay all day and have to buy lunch e.g school) and take a healthy packed lunch which can really help prevent unhealthy eating.

Clean and Clear Morning Energy Skin Energising Facial Scrub £3.99
*I don't have bad fake tan the lighting is just a bit off         
Step 2:
Wash your face. I have never or will never be one of those people who uses 8 billion products on there skin every morning. Right now I see no need for toners, cleansers, scrubs, eye creams, oils, serums and lotions to be used all on my face in one morning. I use the  (that's a name and a half) and it does a really good job of brightening and refreshing my skin. Having bright skin immediately makes it look healthy and this wash really does give a healthy glowy natural look to the skin.

Gorgeous Moisturiser 45g £42.50 (this is the tester size)
Step 3:
Moisturise. I use  the Gorgeous moisturiser from LUSH. This is bloomin expensive but I got this little sample size in a gift box and I am extremely sad that I will probably never be rich enough to buy it again. This moisturiser immediately brightens the skin and is a real miracle worker. I use this as primer and foundation effectively. It makes my skin look so good I've completely lost the use for foundation which in order makes my skin look amazing because I'm not shoving a hole load of chemicals onto my face. This moisturiser has pineapple, lemon and orange juice to add radiance and primrose oil to sooth and moisturise. This stuff is amazing. However if like me this is ridiculously out of your price range then the trusty E45 moisturising cream is great if a little oilier.

Real Techniques Duo Fiber Set £23.99                                            L'Oreal True Match Concealer £6.45

Step 4:
Concealer. I only apply concealer under my eyes now. This really helps to brighten my complection and appear less tired then I actually am. I used to never apply concealer anywhere on my face especially under my eyes because my face just doesn't seem to like it but then I met a little gem called the Loreal True Match Concealer. It is bloomin amazing. I use the lightest shade under my eyes which is Vanilla. It is probably half a shade lighter then my natural face colour and I love it. I apply this under the eyes with a Real Techniques Duo Fiber Contour Brush which applies it amazingly natural. I would definitely recommend both these products.
Natural Collection Blush Peach Melba £1.99

Step 5:
A little blush. Using a light blush can really illuminate the skin and give it a little more colour. Obviously if you have rosy cheeks already there is no need for blush. But if like me your a bit colourless in the face department then a light dusting of peachy, rosy toned blush can really help give your face a lift. I use the Natural Collection blush in Peach Melba and it is gorgeous. A light dusting of this immediately finishes the look. Cream blushes are also great but I find it hard to get the right amount of product on my skin and it can end up looking to much. Less is more in the blush scenario.

With this look I always go for a light gold toned eyeshadow and a lip balm with a green undertone. A light coating of brown mascara and a light coating of powder under my eyes.


Saturday, 7 March 2015

How to get more followers on Blogger

You know lots of people look up how do I get more followers? Well this is the 3 rules that everyone says you should follow
Rule #1: Stay on topic. Pick a topic that you love, and stick to it. If you wander off that topic, people will stop following.
Rule #2: Optimize your blog. Learn how to use keywords to get more traffic from search engines.
Rule #3: Keep your posts short. There are very few people that will read anything longer than a few paragraphs.
And… I officially declare those three rules to be 100% horse manure, not to mention BORING.
I present to you Humphrey's new revitalized list.
Rule #1. Write about whatever the heck you want to write about. You can keep some general topics, but if you haven’t noticed, SDL is all over the place and most survive the experience intact.
Rule #2. What is optimization? Why worry about search? Somebody clicking in because a friend told them to come visit is 10,000 times more powerful than somebody clicking in from a search engine. Focus on what will make that happen, instead.
Rule #3. Keep it short? Are you serious? Yes, most of the time, but use however many words you need to use if you’re putting an important message out there. The bullying post was somewhere in the area of 4,000 words. That’s around 19 pages double-spaced, and in its first three days it had more than a quarter million views. Had I tried to sum it up in 500 words it would have died out the gates because the message would have been left behind.
Rule #4. In addition to the message, pictures of really cute pugs seem to work well, too. 

Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Butter


Just before we start I am so not about to scream at my laptop for being slow and old and not working with my camera. Nope I am totally calm and really not frustrated and I am so not about to cry.

This body butter is my new obsession. I think it is probably the best thing I have used on my body.

First lets talk about the amazing smell. I normally apply this at about 7.30 in the morning and I can still smell it on my skin after 5.00 that night. It is amazing. This is my current favourite fragrance. It smells of limes and something sweet. It's not a specific smell but to me it kind of like the smell of sweet yogurt or cream cheese minus the cheese. I don't know but whatever it is it smells incredible.

The product itself is super moisturising and feels really nice on the skin. I am definitely (totally haven't spent 5 minutes figuring out how to spell that word) going to repurchase this about a gizzilion times.

The only down side is that it cost £10.50 which isn't exactly budget friendly. Hey mum you know how you have some money..... :)


Oh Hallelujah my camera has started working after half an hour of near serious break down. Enjoy the pictures. Personally I think you should follow my blog just for the amount of frustration and perseverance that went into this post. There was actual tears. ACTUAL TEARS!!